Jewish community Chabad Lubavitch Moldova

Moldova’s Chief Rabbi Zalman Abelsky sent a crew of Mashgichim to Kosher-certify a large quantity of milk at a local dairy farm so there should be ample supply for the Shavuos holiday.

To fill the high demand for dairy foods over the Shavuos holiday in Moldova’s capital of Kishinev, the country’s Chief Rabbi Zalman Abelsky sent a crew of Mashgichim to certify a large Kosher-quantity of milk at a local dairy farm.

Additionally, a slew of activities were held in the Eastern European country in preparation for Shavuos, including a lesson delivered at the Chabad Shul to local Jewish school children about the significance of the holiday and hearing the Aseres Hadibros, as well as a highly-inspirational Farbrengen for the adults with Rabbi Abelsky.

For more information on our programs please contact Chabad Moldova Click here

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